Title ....... InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator
Players ..... 1
Genre ....... nongame
Subgenre .... general utility
Platform .... Gameboy (1991)

As the name indicates, this includes both a spell checker and a calculator. The spell checker allows you to type in a word to have it checked against the software's word bank. Since this was published in 1991, the neologisms of the last 20 years are not included in the word bank; you will be unable to check the spelling of your BLOG or TRUTHINESS here. No, you cannot even find your INTERNET.

Of course, if you are reading this, then chances are that most of your programs already have built-in spell checkers. Not only that, but they likely check your spelling as you type--not just in word processors, but in your browser, instant messaging, and such whatnot hip internet stuff. And, of course, dictionary.com is always a couple of clicks away.
The calculator allows you to perform the 4 basic arithmetic operations; it also lets you find square roots. It does not follow the order of operations and there are no parentheses.
This is an interesting curiosity for the collector--well, the spell checker's word bank is, anyway. The calculator's a joke (just buy a $2 relic from your local Goodwill if you don't already own a cellphone). As for the non-collector, this is worthless, like most retro non-games.
D-pad .... move cursor
select ... return to previous menu screen
start .... choose menu option
A ........ choose a letter
B ........ backspace
Not really.
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